Peer-Reviewed Publications
*Current or former graduate student mentee **Current or former undergraduate student mentee
Kunstman, J.W., *Kinkel-Ram, S., Hunger, J.M., Benbow, K., Smith, A.R., Troop-Gordon, Nadorff, M., & Maddox, K. (in press). Social pain minimization mediates discrimination’s effect on sleep. Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
*Johnson, B.N., Hunger, J.M., Sawhney, G., & Kunstman, J.W. (in press). Weight in the workplace: Weight discrimination impacts professional outcomes as a function of social pain minimization. Occupational Health Science.
*Levinson, J.A., Clifford, D., Laing, E.M., Harris, C.L., Slagel, N., Squires, N.D., & Hunger, J.M. (in press). Weight-inclusive approaches to nutrition and dietetics: A call to action. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Lee, K.M.*, Wang, C., Du, H., Hunger, J.M., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2024) Weight stigma as a stressor: A multi-wave, cross-lagged longitudinal study testing the biobehavioral pathways of the Cyclic Obesity/Weight-Based Stigma (COBWEBS) model. Appetite, 201, 107573.
*Figueroa, D., *Parker, J.E., Hunger, J.M., Kraus, M.W., Muscatell, K.A., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2024). Social class stigma and poorer health behaviors: Evidence from the Eating in America Study. Social Science & Medicine, 347, 116765.
Hunger, J.M., Hubbard, A.S., **Edrosolan, K., Tan, J., Montoya, A.K., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2024). Ecological momentary assessment of weight stigma and eating behavior in everyday life. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 58, 457-462.
**Wang, C., Hunger, J.M., Liao, J., *Figueroa, D., Lopez, A., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2024). Examining the effect of weight-related recruitment information on participant characteristics: A randomized field experiment. Obesity Science & Practice, 10, e739.
*Levinson, J.L., *Kinkel-Ram, S., Myers, B., & Hunger, J.M. (2024). A systematic review of the weight stigma and disordered eating literature. Body Image, 48, 101678.
*Das., A., Ward., R.M., Haus, L., **Heitt, J., & Hunger, J.M. (2023) A longitudinal examination of stigmatized identities, minority stress, belongingness, and problematic alcohol use. Health Behavior Research, 6, 1-8.
Hunger, J.M., & Brochu, P. M. (2023). Weight as a social identity: Theoretical and empirical advances. Body Image, 46, 103-107.
*Parker, J., *Levinson, J., Hunger, J.M., Enders, C., Laraia, B., Epel, E., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2023). Longitudinal stability of disordered eating symptoms from age 12 to 40 in Black and white women. Clinical Psychological Science. Advance online publication.
Girme, Y.U., Schmitt, M., Sibley, C.T., Hadden, B.W, & Hunger, J.M. (2022). Unsupported and stigmatized? The association between relationship status and wellbeing is mediated by social support and social discrimination. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, 425-435.
*Kinkel-Ram, S.S., Kunstman, J., Hunger, J.M., & Smith, A.R. (2021). Examining the relation between discrimination and suicide among Black Americans: The role of social pain minimization and decreased bodily trust. Stigma and Health. Advance online publication.
*Lee, K., A.J. Hunger, J.M., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2021). Weight stigma and health behaviors: Evidence from the Eating in America Study. International Journal of Obesity, 45, 1499-1509.
Hunger, J.M., Smith, J., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2020). An evidence-based rationale for adopting weight-inclusive health policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14, 73-107.
Hunger, J.M., *Dodd, D. & Smith, A.R. (2020). Weight discrimination, anticipated weight stigma, and disordered eating. Eating Behaviors, 37, 101383.
Major, B., Rathbone, J., Blodorn, A., & Hunger, J.M. (2020). Weight stigma increases weight loss motivation while undermining perceived capacity for weight control. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1331-1343.
Hunger, J.M., *Dodd, D., & Smith, A.R. (2020). Weight-based discrimination, interpersonal needs, and suicidal ideation. Stigma and Health, 5, 217-224.
Alt, N., Lick, D.J., Hunger, J.M., & Johnson, K. (2019). Evaluative implications of intersecting body weight and other social categories: The role of typicality. Body Image, 31, 19-23.
Hunger, J.M., Blodorn, A., Major, B., & Miller, C. (2018). The psychological and physiological effects of interacting with an anti-fat peer. Body Image.
Hunger, J.M., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2018). Weight labeling and disordered eating among adolescent females: Evidence from the NHLBI Growth and Health Study. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Ryan, W.S., Hunger, J.M., & Major, B. (2017). Applying intergroup relations research to understanding LGB health disparities. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 477-492.
Tomiyama, A.J., Hunger, J.M., **Nguyen-Cuu,J., & Wells, C. (2016). Misclassification of cardiometabolic health when using Body Mass Index categories in NHANES 2005-2012. International Journal of Obesity, 40, 883-886.
Blodorn, A., Major, B., Hunger, J.M., & Miller, C. (2016). Expecting to be rejected: A mechanism underlying the negative psychological effects of weight-based social identity threat. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 69-76.
Robinson, E., Hunger, J.M., Daly, M. (2015). Perceived weight status and risk of future weight gain in US and UK adults. International Journal of Obesity, 39, 1721-1726.
Hunger, J.M., Major, B., Blodorn, A., & Miller, C. (2015). Weighed down by stigma: How weight-based social identity threat influences weight gain and health. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 9, 255-268.
Hunger, J.M., & Major, B. (2015). Weight stigma mediates the association between BMI and self-reported health. Health Psychology, 34, 172-175.
Hunger, J.M., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2014). Weight labeling and obesity: A longitudinal study of girls aged 10 to 19 years. JAMA Pediatrics, 168, 579-580.
Major, B., Hunger, J.M., Bunyan, D., & Miller, C. (2014). The ironic effects of weight stigma. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 74-80. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2013.11.009
Howland, M., Hunger, J. M., & Mann, T. L. (2012). Friends don’t let friends eat cookies: Effects of restrictive eating norms on consumption among friends. Appetite, 59, 504-509. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.06.020
Sadler, M., Hunger, J. M. & Miller, C. (2010). Personality and impression-management: Mapping the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire onto 12 self-presentation tactics. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 623-628.
Tomiyama, A. J., Mann, T. L., Vinas, D., Hunger, J. M., Dejager, J., & Taylor, S. E. (2010). Low calorie dieting increases cortisol. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72, 357-364.
Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries, and Commentaries
Hunger, J.M., & Howell, J.L. (2024). Social cognition and health. In D.E. Carlston, K.L. Johnson, & K. Hugenberg (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition. Oxford (2nd edition). Oxford University Press.
Dover, T.L., Hunger, J.M., & Major, B. (2020). Health consequences of prejudice and discrimination. In K. Sweeny & M. Robins (Eds.), The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology.
Major, B., Tomiyama, A.J., & Hunger, J.M. (2018). The negative and bi-directional effects of weight stigma on health. In B. Major, J.F Dovidio, & B.G. Link (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Stigma, Discrimination, and Health.
Hunger, J.M., Tomiyama, A.J., **Nguyen-Cuu, J., & Wells, C., (2016). Moving to a personalized medicine approach to promote health across the weight spectrum. International Journal of Obesity, 40, 1334.
Tomiyama, A.J., Hunger, J.M., **Nguyen-Cuu, J., & Wells, C. (2016). Weight and cardiometabolic health: New perspectives. International Journal of Obesity, 40, 1331.
Hunger, J.M., & Tomiyama, A.J. (2015). A call to shift the public health focus away from weight. American Journal of Public Health, 105, e3-e3.
Moskovich, A., Hunger, J. M., & Mann, T. L. (2011). The psychology of obesity. In J. Cawley (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity. Oxford University Press.
The publications provided are for academic or educational use only.